About Us » Full STEAM ahead

Full STEAM ahead

Castaic Elementary School has previously been known as the “Arts Integration” school for our district.  While arts integration continues to be important on our campus,this year we began to make the shift towards becoming a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Math) focused school.  We hired a science specialist to teach hands on science to all classes while incorporating Next Generation Science Standards. We have been proactive in increasing our student to Chromebook ratio and we have been focusing on technology standards. Technology is integrated into the daily curriculum and students utilize Google Apps for Education to create and collaborate. We continue to integrate art throughout the curriculum. Many of our teachers have been trained in Arts Integration through the Kennedy Arts Center and incorporate the techniques learned in their lessons. Students also have music classes weekly. Students in all grades are learning coding and we are in the process of creating our own "Maker-space."   We believe that active and meaningful learning prepares the whole child for a successful future in a changing world. Our goal is to help our students become critical thinkers and problem solvers through creativity and collaboration.